I wished to be a doctor,
Worked smarter and harder
Learned more unnecessary
Grasped less necessary
Thanks to the Fvcked up Education system
Yes, crap
Her Education System,
I ended up as a wish doctor
No spot for me as a real doctor,
I wished to be a surgeon
Her pain penetrated through me
The silent tears
The broken heart
The Shuttered dreams
Tears of despair
Kenya wept…
A wish doctor I was,
I wished she could give me a chance,
Chance to operate on her
To find that virus
A virus stronger than the Queen herself
The queen, Her highness HIV
Even Mother Superior, Covid, is not compared to her,
Even in the Covidian Empire,
She reigns
The mothers of Covid call her Guanxi,
But her mother, Kenya, calls her,
Her Excellency Miss Corruption
Minister of interior Affairs
Magistrate of the Court of Connections
Kenya weeps…
Connection is her street name
‘Kujuana’ is her ghetto name
‘Kitu Kidogo’ is her Nickname on roads
‘Deadliest virus’ is what I name her
After studying medicine, and living miserably
When Kenya got infected
I was barely a cell
It spread so fast
I bet there were no qualified doctors to fight it,
Kenya went through Agony
As the deadliest virus are her up
No one noticed
Kenya wept…
The virus went on,
Ate Kenya’s womb
So every Kenyan descendant was born with it
Because she is a queen
She got everything she wanted,
She now wanted the Brains
She fed on Kenya’s Education system
Left it so crappy,
She proceeded to the heart
She’s stuck their
Kenya’s administration is now so weak
Kenya weeps…
Hustler nation they say,
Until The Queen whips the hustler
A hustler who weeps
It whips the common Kenyan
Kenya weeps,
The virus is arrogant
No surgery
No pills
No injections
Can beat it
It wipes the young dreams
Kenya weeps,
The night gets darker
The future is so unclear
But I stay in the lab
With my fellow “surgeons,”
The poor, low class, unemployed Kenyan youths,
To find a cure for the deadly virus
To fix Kenya
Before it wipes all of us
Kenya weeps…